School of Yoga is a Yoga resource which seeks to become a complete knowledge center for classical yoga.
Yogacharya Sundaram developed a sequence that ensures maximum quality of health, fitness and wellbeing when performing poses (āsana).
Āsana choice is a personalised one, so a person must choose the āsana that fits his or her body, condition and life-style.
Since yoga is the practice of increasing awareness, the practicing single point focus during āsana practice ensures success.
Prāṇa or motility is also known as life-force, energy etc. It is also called chi or qi in Chinese as well as various Far East civilisations.
If a person were to desire a single exercise that would meet all the requirements of health, then that would be the Sun-salutation or sūryanamaskāra
Padmasana is the most important of all meditation poses. The reason is that it balances the left and right sides of the body, allowing a stable pose.
Bhujangasana or cobra pose is an important pose for rejuvenation of the lower back, neck and hips. It also strengthens the shoulders and arms.
Shalabasana or locust pose is where the yogī uses his or her abdominal muscles to raise the legs backwards and increase the strength of the back and abdomen.
Dhanurasana or bow pose is a pose where the yogi balances his body on his abdomen, thereby massaging the abdominal viscera and energising the manipura cakra.
Pavanamuktāsana or air relieving pose is an āsana that presses the abdomen so that gas is expelled from the stomach as well as the lower abdomen.
Paścimottānāsana is an important āsana where the practitioner bends and pulls the torso forward to bring the face between the knees.
In arda-halāsana, the person uses the abdominal and back muscles to lift the legs to 90 degrees and increase the strength of the lower back and abdomen.