School of Yoga is a Yoga resource which seeks to become a complete knowledge center for classical yoga.
What is yama, the first step of raja-yoga? What are it's elements? Is it relevant in today's life? How should you practice yama?
Acknowledgement. School of Yoga is profoundly grateful to Saṃskṛta scholars and academics Pijus Kanti Pal ( and Dolon Chanpa Mondal for their support in Saṃskṛta transliteration and quality control. School […]
Mayurāsana is an āsana where the entire body is held straight horizontally by balancing it on the hands and with elbows against the abdomen.
What is ahimsa or non-violence? Is it complete abstenance of violence? If it is complete abstenance, then how does one function?
Śiraśāsana or Head-stand Pose is an āsana where the practitioner balances the entire body one the head, using the cupped hands and elbows as support.
What is Truth or Satya, the second yama of raja-yoga? How is it perceived? How can we practice it without shortchanging ourselves and others?
Hatha Yoga Pradeepika – Chapter 1 – Asana (Sanskrit = Light on Hatha Yoga) Background – Hatha Yoga Pradeepika – Chapter 1 – Hatha Yoga Pradeepika […]
Viparīta-karaṇī is an āsana where the yogi holds the legs and hips perpendicular to the torso and the torse between 45 and 60 degrees off the ground.