School of Yoga is a Yoga resource which seeks to become a complete knowledge center for classical yoga.
How does introspection or svādhyāyam impact awareness? What is the advice of accomplised yogis? What are the elements of the practice?
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Chapter 3 – Vibhuti pada First, the ability to narrow the area of brain activity is Dharana (concentration). Next, keeping the narrow […]
School of Yoga explains sethubandasana (bridging pose) Sethubandasana technique: Sthithi (starting) position: Lie down on the back. Keep hands at the sides. Keeping knees together, fold […]
What is austerity (tapas)? What is the relationship of austerity (tapas) with niyama? How should it be practiced? What are it's elements?
School of Yoga explains hamsasana (swan pose) Hamsasana technique: Sthithi (starting) pose: Squat in veerasana. Sit erect on the “V” of heels and knees. Bend forward […]
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Chapter 4 – Kaivalya pada Siddhis (supernatural powers) may be obtained by birth, medicinal intervention/ drugs, mantras, tapas or meditation. Internal transformation […]
What is Dedication (śraddhā)? Why is it an important aspect of niyama? What are it's elements? How does one practice it?
School of Yoga explains Gomukhasana (Cowface Pose) Gomukhasana technique : Sthithi (starting) position: Sit on the floor. Keep legs straight ahead and hands at the sides. Grab […]
What is charity? Why is it an important element of niyama? What are the types of charity? How should chariy be performed?
School of Yoga explains Utkatasana (Chair Pose) Utkatasana technique : Sthithi (starting) position: Stand erect, legs together hands to the sides. Raise the hands over the […]
The theory of yama and niyama is useless if it cannot be put into daily use. So, how can we integrate yama and niyama into daily living?
School of Yoga explains Variation 1 of Veerasana- Adhomukha Veerasana (Downward facing dog virility pose) Adhomukha Veerasana technique: Sthithi (starting) position: Sit in Vajrasana. Ensure that the hip […]