Best pavanamuktāsana (air relieving pose)

Post By: Published on: December 19, 2016 Reading time: 4 minutes

What is pavanamuktāsana  (air relieving pose)

Pavanamuktāsana or air relieving pose is an āsana that presses the abdomen so that gas is expelled from the stomach as well as the lower abdomen.

Technique 1: ardha-pavanamuktāsana (Single leg pavanamuktāsana)

  • Sthithi (starting) position: First, lie down on the back with hands to the sides.

    Pavanamuktasana – one leg

  • Second, breathing in, fold left leg at the knee and bring it towards the torso.
  • Next, breathing out, grasp knee and press it downwards into the abdomen gently.
  • Then, hold in place till exhalation has been completed and top of the thighs are completely pressing the abdomen.
  • Now, hold for 3-6 counts.
  • Slowly, breathe-in, release knee, straighten and bring leg to normal position.
  • Repeat the process on the right leg.
  • Once is enough.
  • The dṛṣṭi (gaze) recommended is svādhiṣṭhāna-cakra.

Technique 2: pūrṇa-pavanamuktāsana (Both legs pavanamuktasana)

  • Sthithi (starting) position: First, lie down on the back with hands to the sides.
  • Second, breathing in, fold both legs at the knee and bring it towards the torso.
  • Next, breathing out, grasp both knees and press them gently downwards into the abdomen.
  • Then, hold in place till exhalation has been completed and top of the thighs are completely pressing the abdomen.
  • Now, hold for 3-6 counts.
  • Slowly, breathe-in, release knee, straighten and bring legs to normal position. Relax.
  • Once is enough.
  • Importantly, the dṛṣṭi (gaze) recommended is svādhiṣṭhāna-cakra.

What are the benefits of practicing pavanamuktāsana?

  • This exercise is a very good starting point for people who are just beginning a yogāsana  exercise routine.

    Vishwanathan demonstrating pavanamuktāsana

  • Additionally, the pressing down of the abdominal viscera is gradual and increases as flexibility increases in the person.
  • Also, this is very good for increasing capillary circulation in the lower abdomen, increasing balance of secretion and absorption in the intestines and removing flatulence.
  • Importantly, this āsana is also good for rejuvenating female reproductive system.
  • In fact, this āsana can be used for treating flatulence, hyper acidity, gastritis and diabetes and all digestive ailments.
  • Lastly, the āsana is good for increasing flexibility of the lumbar region of the spine and strengthening the muscles of the lower back.

What contraindications must one be aware of in pavanamuktāsana practice? 

  • Initially, one may experience difficulty in achieving complete pose. Go slow, over time, you will be able to compress legs into the abdomen completely.
  • However, if you have any form of back ache, push yourself only to the point where there is no discomfort. When pain or discomfort starts, stop immediately. In fact, with practice, the back will begin to flex better.
  • Importantly, since this exercise exerts pressure on the heart, people with cardiac concerns should perform this āsana under supervision.
  • Lastly, this āsana should not be practiced during menstruation or pregnancy.

Some noteworthy points on pavanamuktāsana practice.

Internal Links: Dharma (conditioning), Stress and Situational Awareness, Prana, Asana sequencing, Asana scheduling, Asana Focus or gazing, PranayamaHatha Yoga Pradeepika

External Links: Prana, Chakra, Pancha Tattva, Pancha Prana, Pancha Kosha, Nadi,

  • One could use the upper arms to pull the knees into the abdomen; in this case, there is greater arching of the lumbar region and the hips leave the ground. Alternatively, one could use the forearms to press the knees into the abdomen; in this case the hips stay on the ground. Each impact a different area of the abdomen, but the use of the forearm to press the knee is a more effective pose.
  • It is important to count when keeping the knees pressed into the abdomen. This facilitates the complete evacuation of the terminal portion of the small intestine into the large intestine.

One Reply to “Best pavanamuktāsana (air relieving pose)”

  1. You’re welcome. Thanks for your encouragment

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