Siddhasana – Enlightened pose

Post By: Published on: November 1, 2016 Reading time: 3 minutes

School of Yoga explains Siddhasana (Enlightened Pose)

Siddhasana technique: 


Siddhasana – Enlightened pose

  • Sthithi (Starting) Position : Sit on a clean mat in an airy and quiet room. Stretch legs forward.
  • Folding one leg at the knee, hold the ankle, lift it and place it over the perineum while carefully lifting the genitals out of harm’s way. Thus, the heel fits into the junction of the genital and thigh.
  • For the other leg; folding the leg at the knee, carefully place the side of the heel over the genitals, pressing the pubis.
  • Use the hands to support the foot so that the genitals are not crushed or damaged.
  • Slowly release the hands so that the foot is comfortably placed. Should there be any pain, lift the legs carefully away from the genitals.
  • Keep back erect but relaxed. Relax the legs. You will feel them slipping slightly and then becoming stable.
  • Join the forefinger with the thumb to form a circle. This is called “Chin Mudra“.
  • One could also use dhyana mudra – place one hand over the other on the lap and let the thumbs touch.
  • The classical pranayama of use is ujjeyi pranayama.
  • The following dristhi’s (gaze) is recommended – gaze at at the chakras (mooladhara or svadishtaana). But keep it steady for the period of asana.
  • Breathe calmly, keeping the mind silent. Be conscious of your anchor within the self. Command your body to relax, moving from the top of the body to the extremities. Imagine stress leaving your body with each exhalation. Do not grasp any thought.
  • Start with 5 minutes and increase upto 15 minutes.
  • Do not try to achieve perfection on day 1. Make sure your body is able to take the strain. Over time, the body will become supple and perfection will be achieved.

Siddhasana benefits 

  • This asana has the sole benefit of increasing brahmacharyam or sexual continence.
  • Continuous practice will allow easy rising of the kundalini from the mooladhara.

Siddhasana contraindications 

  • If you are suffering from problems of the hip joints or arthritis, check with your physician first.

Some noteworthy points on Siddhasana:

Internal Links: Dharma (conditioning), Stress and Situational Awareness, Prana, Asana overview 1, Asana Overview 2, Asana Focus or gazing, Pranayama, Yama, Niyama, Padmasana

External Links: Prana, Chakra, Pancha Tattva, Pancha Prana, Pancha Kosha, Nadi,

  • This asana is considered to be one of the 32 most important asanas by all ancient texts.
  • Why Mudra? = Siddhasana is about collecting the disparate energies or prana into the person. We know that prana flows within and outside the body. An open palm would mean that the prana which moves to the extremities is unable to return which makes the flow unidirectional. However, when a mudra is used, this loop is closed, like any good electrical circuit, resulting in uninterrupted flow of prana around the person, increasing retention and charge of prana within the system.

2 Replies to “Siddhasana – Enlightened pose”

  1. Senem says:


    I appreciate your detailed instruction of the asana. This is my first time so I have been trying to figure it out. Namaste…

    1. Thank you. Please do send us more feedback that might be of use to other readers as well.

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